I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could
count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne
and in front of the Lamb.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Our Trip to Haiti

By Sam Miller, age 13

We got to Haiti Saturday evening and the airport was crazy everyone trying to “help”. The ride over to Gonaives was extremely bumpy but I actually got some sleep. When we finally got to the house we went to bed. Sunday we went to church. I thought the church service was neat; I had never been in a church service that there was a translator. The church was definitely different than the churches here. It was a building with no windows and one room inside. After church I helped Raymond sort out pieces for the water filter. Monday we started sanding the pieces to the water filter and putting them together without gluing them. Tuesday we started to glue the pipes and pieces together. We started to put the system up on the wall, after that I went outside and played soccer with the kids. They were so much better than me that they were just going around me with the ball. Afterward I went out and helped do surveys around the school. The houses looked like mud huts but the people looked happy.
Wednesday we finished putting the trusses on the church in Souvenance. I was glad I got to help out as much as I could, carrying and lifting. Thursday we started and finished putting tin on the roof of the church, and put a small wooden cross on the church. We sang “Amazing Grace” with all the people who were there. On Friday we went to an orphanage that had 95 kids and gave out dolls to all of them. They had one meal a day sometimes none at all. They lived in dirt floor huts and they all looked happy. Afterward we went to Port au Prince and stayed in a house that was really nice especially for Haiti. On Saturday we went to the airport and flew to Miami and we ate the best food I had tasted all week, Chile’s. When we finally got to Atlanta we started driving home. When we got home I went to bed and slept like a rock.
I think Haiti is a terrible place with so much poverty and death. I would also like to go back because I enjoyed helping the people there. That was what I did in Haiti and what I thought.

1 comment:

  1. Sam, I'm so glad you got to go to Haiti with your mom & dad. It kind of changes the way you look at things around you when you see people who live in the conditions the Haitians live. You said a couple of times, the "they looked happy". That's huge. "Stuff" doesn't always make for happy. Happiness and contentment comes from the inside, which I'm sure they saw in you while you were in Haiti. It's God's love working it's way out of us into others. Maybe next time you go, I can go with you. Love you Sam, Mamaw
